Factory style
为了绿色地球,我们竭尽所能 Doing everyting we can to green the earth 面对日益严峻的环境问题,展佳能源在开展所有业务时,都会竭尽全力减少对自然环境的不良影响,履行一家绿色环保企业的庄严责任。 In the face of increasingly severe environmental problems, Zhanjia Energy will make every effort to reduce the adverse impact on the natural environment and fulfill the solemn responsibility of a green environmental protection enterprise in all its operations. ———————————————————————————————————————————————
我们奉献清洁能源 We are dedicated to clean energ 展佳能源生产、运输及销售的主要产品是液化天然气。天然气是一种洁净环保的优质能源,几乎不含硫、粉尘和其他有害物质,燃烧时产生二氧化碳少于其他化工燃料。 The main product produced, transported and sold by Zhanjia Energy is liquefied natural gas. Natural gas is a clean, environmentally friendly, high-quality energy source that contains almost no sulfur, dust and other harmful substances, and produces less carbon dioxide when burned than other chemical fuels. ———————————————————————————————————————————
我们清洁高效生产 We produce cleanly and efficiently 我们严格地按照环保法律法规组织生产,采用先进的生产工艺和流程,提高生产效率,努力降低废气、废液、废渣的排放和降低生产噪音。 We organize production in strict accordance with environmental laws and regulations, adopt advanced production processes and processes, improve production efficiency, and strive to reduce the emission of waste gas, waste liquid, waste residue and reduce production noise. ———————————————————————————————————————————————
我们全程减少浪费 We reduce waste every step of the way 我们正在逐步建立和完善各项生产经营物资管理制度,高效地利用生产物资,减小浪费。与此同时,我们还在生产过程中建立精细化能效管理规程,控制和降低各个生产环节的能耗。 We are gradually establishing and improving the management system of various production and operation materials, efficient use of production materials, and reduce waste. At the same time, we have also established refined energy efficiency management procedures in the production process to control and reduce energy consumption in each production link. ——————————————————————————————————————————————— |