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内蒙古展佳能源有限公司实际控股方为展佳控股集团有限公司。展佳集团经过多年的发展与迭代,实行总部集团化管理模式。由总部(管理中心)统筹管理6大核心部门:建设运营管理中心、安全环保中心、技术工程中心、财务管理中心、融资管理中心、企业管理规划中心。集团根据下属子公司经营的业务划分为生产板块、燃气板块、运贸板块、环境板块等四大业务板块。 ZACA Holdings Group Company Limited (the “Group”) serves as the principal controlling entity of Inner Mongolia Zaca Energy Co., Ltd. Through extensive development and progressive iterations over the years, The Group has effectively implemented a centralized management system anchored at its headquarters. This central management hub effectively coordinates the activities of six pivotal departments: the Construction and Operation Management Center, the Safety and Environmental Protection Center, the Technical Engineering Center, the Financial Management Center, the Financing Management Center, and the Corporate Management Planning Center. The Group's operational structure is categorized into four key business divisions, aligned with the specialties of its subsidiary companies: Production, Gas, Trade and Transportation, and Environmental Services.
1、生产板块下设乌拉特前旗神然新能源有限责任公司、包头市新源天然气有限责任公司、鄂尔多斯市巨昌新能源有限责任公司、呼和浩特市万特新能源有限公司,成为内蒙古地区较大的LNG生产基地。 Within the Production division, notable subsidiaries include: Urad Front Banner Shenran New Energy Co., Ltd., Baotou Xinyuan Natural Gas Co., Ltd., Ordos Juchang New Energy Co., Ltd., and Hohhot Want New Energy Co., Ltd. These entities collectively establish a prominent LNG production stronghold in the Inner Mongolia region.
2、运贸板块下设内蒙古展佳能源有限公司,自公司成立后多年蝉联全国十大运贸商榜单。根据集团发展规划及战略需求,展佳能源在2020年与中燃集团旗下子公司中燃宏大能源贸易有限公司合作成立子公司“中燃北方能源发展有限公司”。 The Trade and Transportation sector is headlined by Lnner Mongolia Zaca Energy Co., Ltd., a company consistently ranked among the top ten national enterprises in its field for several consecutive years. In a strategic move in 2020, in tandem with the Group's long-term vision and expansion strategy, Zaca Energy initiated a joint enterprise with CHINA GAS Hongda Energy Trading , a subsidiary of CHINA GAS Group, leading to the establishment of 'CHINA GAS Northern Energy Development Co., Ltd.'
3、燃气板块下设包头市展佳燃气有限公司、乌拉特前旗宸华能源有限责任公司、乌拉特前旗宸华天然气有限公司、包头市京发氢能源科技有限公司、包头市展佳交通能源有限公司。 The Gas division comprises Baotou Zaca Gas Co., Ltd., Urad Front Banner Chenhua Energy Co., Ltd., Urad Front Banner Chenhua Natural Gas Co., Ltd., Baotou Jingfa Hydrogen Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and Baotou Zaca Transportation Energy Co., Ltd.
4、环境板块下设展佳环境科技股份有限公司,成立于2005年,在北京、广州、重庆、长春、海口等地设有7个分公司,拥有多项专业资质。 The Environmental division is spearheaded by Zaca Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2005. Operating with seven branches strategically placed in key urban centers such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Changchun, and Haikou,and it possesses a range of professional qualifications in the environmental sector.
联系方式: 0472-5316888 公司地址:包头市青山区正翔国际广场B7栋21层 公司网址:www.zaca.xin 邮箱:ch33768635@163.com
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